lifting and tiedown point. The tiedown provisions shall permit tiedown of the semitrailer to the
floor (or deck) of the transport medium to restrict shifting or movement in any direction
(see 4.5.7). Disassembly and reassembly. For all modes of transport, the semitrailer shall have
a maximum of 15 minutes for disassembly and 15 minutes for reassembly using two people and
onboard equipment. All items removed shall be stowed and tied down in the semitrailer
(see 4.5.7).
3.3.3 Functional equipment. All functional equipment on the semitrailer shall operate
properly during all modes of operation (see 4.5.2).
3.3.4 Electrical. Lighting systems. The external lighting systems shall operate on 24 Volts direct
current and shall not malfunction during any vehicle operating mode (see 4.5.2). Electrical circuits. The electrical circuits shall maintain continuity from end to end
without any shorts from pin to pin or pin to connector shell. Circuits on each vehicle shall be
tested for continuity, with no electrical short permitted. Wiring and cable shall be anchored to
prevent damage during vehicle operation (see 4.5.2).
3.3.5 Adjustment mechanisms. All adjustment mechanisms shall function properly and
maintain adjustment settings during all vehicle operating conditions (see 4.5.2).
3.3.6 Controls. All electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic controls shall operate without
malfunction throughout their entire range of operation under all vehicle operating conditions and
environments (see 4.5.2).
3.3.7 Brake lines. Air and hydraulic lines and fittings shall be internally clean prior to
assembly on the semitrailer. Brake air lines shall be "snuggled" and routed against van
componentry; that is brake air lines shall be nested against flat surfaces (on protective areas), and
shall not hang in mid-air. Military standard grommets shall be used in all openings through which
brake lines are routed. When brake air lines (service and emergency) are pressurized to 120 to
125 pounds per square inch (lb/in2), loss of air pressure in any one line or system shall not exceed
5 lb/in2 in 5 minutes (see 4.5.2).
3.3.8 Watertightness. Water spray (completed van). Each van body shall be waterproofed to provide a
watertight structure. The door assembly, completely assembled and installed, shall provide a
watertight seal. The interior of the van shall show no evidence of water leakage or moisture,
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